Monday, March 31, 2014

Hello Matilda-loo

Hey Sweet Girl,

I have been trying to get this blog started for you for the longest time.  For some reason Internet Explorer wouldn't let me create one, so I finally found a browser that would work.

I have been keeping diaries/notes online and offline of the things that you've been doing or we've experienced with you since you were born.  I will be copying those posts here in a later posting so that you can see all of them, as well as photos and videos.  Eventually you will be old enough for me to print these and show them to you online. (technology depending)  Whatever it is, I will save it for you.  As you grow up you forget things that happened when you were a baby/child and I want you to have wonderful memories of the times with us.

As of today, you are clasping your hands together and grabbing everything.  You are also mimicking talking.  It is just the sweetest sound.  I will take a video in the morning and post it.  I love waking up to you "talking" to me. 

You did your first real laugh yesterday.  It came after you coughed and I mimicked coughing.  It was a very quick laugh.. and it shows me you have a very clever since of humor! :)

I am teaching you sign language and German right now.  Mostly sign language though at the moment because I know you will be using that before you will use real words.  You are already understanding milk, hungry, all gone, play, beautiful, good, and yes.  I absolutely love you, you are the most beautiful baby girl I have ever seen in my life.  I love looking at your face and the perfection you have in your features and the spark in your eyes.

We bought you your very first Darth Vader yesterday.  You love to hold him and chew/lick him.  It's very cute.  I'm going to include a photo of you with Darth.

I'm making you something new for your room.  It's zebra themed and it will be adorable.  I will post a before and after photo when I'm done.  I hope you will like it.

Right now you are sleeping and rooting, you look absolutely precious.  I miss you even when you are sleeping.

I will post on this every day.  I haven't on the others because this is the blog I prefer to be on, I'm glad I finally figured out how to get on here.  I will talk to you tomorrow my dear.  I love you and God Bless You baby girl.
