Wednesday, April 16, 2014

My little farty girl

Your Great Uncle Bobby and Great Grandfather Papa Pete Passed away last week.  They were two very important men on each side of your Dad's and My side of the family.  They were very loved and I feel terrible you will never know them.

There's been a lot going on since I've last posted about you.  I kept track of important and memorable things that I want to share with you.

First, last Tuesday you were sitting in Daddy's lap and you farted and did a growly ahhhhhhhh sound as you were doing it.  He and I just laughed and laughed.  You've also started being super expressive with your sounds.  You make squeals and squawks when you are upset.  If you are bored, you do it.  If you are not happy in the position you're in, you do it.  If we don't get your cues immediately you do it.. and the faces you make along with it are absolutely beautiful.  Daddy and I just laugh.  We have so much fun with you every day.

So, what has happened is:
We went to Mount Vernon to hang out with Daddy.  We love taking long drives with you.  You truly are the best baby to travel with.  We stopped for lunch at Red Robin which was perfect for you.  You were just talking and looking around BUT what did it for you was the ceiling fan right above you and the Television with baseball playing on the other side above you.  You were in stimulation heaven!  I also let you taste some fruit from my freckled fruit bowl.  You just love apples.  You were such a good girl. 

The next morning you woke up and you were sitting on Daddy's chest playing with us and you urped right on his chest and in his hair.  LOL we just laughed.  The next day you threw up a huge puddle on Daddy's batman shirt.  It was the biggest ever.  Daddy never minds it, he thinks it's funny and anticipates the next uprising.  LOL

We went to visit Papa Joe Joe on Friday, You visited him with Daddy on Thursday along with Aunt Jodie and Uncle Doug and G.G.  We saw everyone again and you had a great time until you got gas.  You love Papa's ceiling fan and you really enjoyed Aunt Jodie.  I dressed you in your cute chevron dress that the sent you in the mail.  You drooled all over it because you are in full force teething now.

On Saturday we went for Pho, it's nice to go there when you're not sick.  This is the first time I've been there in a long time where I wasn't sick.  You were so happy there.  You kept googly eyeing daddy and I.. and just talking so cute.  Everyone that works there was just complimenting you.  You tasted a lemon and the faces you made were so cute.  You didn't know what to make of it but you kept licking it.

We went to see the family out at Papa Pete's house.  At first you just cried because you didn't recognize a lot of people.  Daddy took you outback to soothe you and Uncle Bob held you and you started to calm down.  You really calmed down when Uncle Allen held you and talked to you.  You felt right at home and then just socialized the rest of the time.  You got cranky when you were tired but I gave you some good ole' boob and you fell right to sleep.  You slept all the way home.  Which, was a couple of hours because Daddy took one of his "short cuts".  As you get older you will learn that it's never a short cut.. but always fun.

We went to lake Padden on Sunday and Monday.  Daddy and I took you in your stroller and you really enjoyed it.  You didn't fall asleep at all you just strolled along and learned so many new smells, saw many interesting things like people running, people on bikes zooming by, and DUCKS.  Yes, ducks!!  The were walking all around you and up to me.  I took some photos of them.  I will re-edit this post and put the photos of those two days here.

You are such a wonderful child, we can take you anywhere.  Easy going Tildy <3

Last night we took you for a drive because you were over tired.  We went back out later that night because there was an Eclipse and a blood moon.  I wanted to experience that with you and your dad.  It won't happen again till you are 4 going on 5.  I'm excited.  Hopefully it's not as cloudy then.  It was really fun though.. and you truly love falling asleep on car rides.  Just like Mommy when she was a baby girl. 

Monday when we came back home from the lake, I was singing you a song as you were pooping.  I was singing it in a funny voice and tickling your little legs.  You started laughing, and kept laughing.  It was truly the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.  Mommy made you laugh.  It's the best feeling in the world.  Before we went to the lake though, you rolled over 3 times during tummy time!  You did it so fast I couldn't get it on video or a photo of it.

This morning you woke up and kept looking at me with this darling dimpled smile.  We played and I changed you into your Australia outfit then we danced to Neptune Lullaby.  You played on your mat today and rolled over in reverse.  You also were smiling at me and making the cutest faces during tummy time.  I got a photo of them.  I will place one or two of them here when I re-edit tomorrow.

We went shopping for Easter stuff today for you, your brothers, and sisters.  We almost have everyone taken care of.  So far, you and your sisters are all set.  I think you all will like everything I've picked out.  You did so well, and when we met Mamaw Mona at the mall you just gave her the sweetest smiles and grins.  I know it made her feel good.  She needs that right now since her Daddy went to Heaven. 

Today you also ate a banana for the first time.  I will post that video here tomorrow during re-edit.  It was so funny.  You love it.  You were like a baby Chimpanzee, Daddy was just laughing so hard.  So was it, it was just too cute. 

That's it for today sweetie.  I will stay on top of this now that things are starting to get back to normal.  Even if I don't post, I do keep track of your goings you will have a great memory book on your 18th birthday.

I love you so much my beautiful BeBe <3
I'm going to go lie down with you and Daddy.  God bless you and keep you safe.
Love always,
Mommy <3

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Well, you just keep getting more and more awesome!

Well, you just keep getting more and more awesome!  It's true!  I have been teaching you sign language and you are really picking it up.  Daddy and I were amazed that when I ask you if you are hungry, you get quiet and smile.  When we ask you if you want milk using sign language you start using your hand to make the sign.   You are also using the sign for yes.  I'm so proud of you!!  You were even doing the signs in your sleep yesterday morning. 

Daddy is also helping to teach you sign language.  He watches me and uses it on you.  I think that's very cool because it will help you learn faster and that you can communicate using sign language with everyone.

You went over G.G.'s house yesterday and visited with her and Papa Joe Joe.  Daddy said you had a great time.  I missed you while you were gone and I was so happy when you returned home.

Daddy and I are always laughing and smiling because of you.  You are so adorable and funny.  You talk so much now and you are inventing new sounds every day.  We just laugh and are in awe at how much you want to communicate.  Waking up to these sounds is the best!! 

You are turning around on your matt now... it's like we lay you down in one position and the next moment you are sideways.  It won't be long before you are running around the house.

We went for a couple of drives over the last couple of days, you really love driving around.  You fall asleep and if we stop you wake up.  It's so cute.  We love taking you on drives, I think we will do a lot of traveling together.

You have a pooh pattern we are noticing.. when you pooh it goes straight up your back.  I'm not sure why but it's signature with you lol.  I don't know if it's the diapers or the position you are in when you pooh.  It's funny though and not surprising at all anymore when it happens. :)

Uncle Bobby died.  He was like a father to me.  I will tell you all about him, that you can count on.  I am so sad he never got to meet you and you him.  He was a great man, a great husband, a great father, a great uncle, a great grandfather, and a great friend.  I miss him terribly.

I'm about to head out to bed little one.  I can't wait to start my day with you tomorrow.  I love you so much.  God bless and keep you safe my sweet angel.

See you in the morning!! 

Love always,

You're awesome!

Hi Matilda-loo!

Well, the last two days have been really cool.  First we all went to Applebees for lunch.  This is the same place where we decided on your name before we even knew you were a girl.  This is our first time back there in months.  You were so amazing.  You were on your very best behavior, taking in all of your surroundings, smells, and sounds.  I was having a tough time because our Uncle Bobby is very ill and I was crying but you and your dad were making me happy and thankful.  People at Applebees kept walking by saying nice things about you. You were dressed in the cutest little ladybug outfit. (I'll post a photo below)

I was videotaping you talking and Daddy turned football off so that the camera would pick up the sound better and you started to cry.  It was so cute.  When he turned it back on you were happy again and started talking.  I took a video of it. I'll show it to you one day, you are adorable <3

You also went to your Doctor's appointment for your eye.  You weren't too sure about your nurse but you loved your Doctor.  You didn't get a shot this go around but in a few weeks that's a different story.  I feel terrible and dread it for you.

We then went to Target to just get some exercise and browse around.  You were just looking at Daddy and I with your big blue eyes, smiling and cooing.  You are so cool to hang out with.

Today Daddy, you and I went to eat at Shari's.  You got scared by some dishes dropping really loudly and you never recovered until we got you into the car.  I felt so bad for you.  You make the cutest but saddest face when you are about to cry.

You were talking so much today, you get louder and try so hard to communicate.

Isabella made you laugh on Friday night.  It was the most beautiful sound ever!!

Some of the things you really love are,
Neptune lullaby (you give me the sweetest look when I play this and sing along with it to you), your play cube ball (you love playing with this.  I will be getting you more toys like this) rattle ball (you love to chew it and throw it, I believe it has helped you with your motor skills tremendously) hand & feet rattles (you really love these.  Froggy Bottoms, Whiskers McBunz, Quackers McDuck, and Bluebear McReadEars)

Whenever you are grumpy-sleepy I sing Waltzing Matilda to you and you fall asleep.  It never fails.  You really love this song.  Maybe it's because I sang this to you in the womb before bed?  Probably, but I think it's so nice.

I love you so much dear one.  We had a great weekend with your sisters.  The next time we see them it will be Easter weekend.  Your first Easter!

I love you honey <3


Tuesday, April 1, 2014


You're taking a nap right now in your little zebra sleeper.  (it's my favorite)  You have been so sweet and adorable today.  You fell asleep in my arms after mat & talk time.  You tasted an apple today.  I was eating it for breakfast and I let you lick the apple.  You absolutely loved it, you licked and licked and licked.  After that, I decided that I'm going to let you lick or slightly taste vegetables and fruits.  You're not ready for real food yet but tasting is fun!!

I'm about to wake you up and do some texture time, tummy time, and go for a walk.  It's such a wonderfully sunny day even though it's cold. I will bundle you up in your pink bear pullover.

I'm back!!  We had a wonderful walk today.  We walked around the block and up to Papa JoeJoe's house but he wasn't home and then we went back home.  We heard a lot of different bird calls, saw some biggo squirrels, saw a mommy deer with a baby girl deer.  They were so beautiful and reminded me of you and I. 

Tonight as you were going to sleep in your swing, I started singing Waltzing Matilda to you and you just kept looking at me adoringly and smiling the entire song.  It was so beautiful. 

Daddy was so happy to see you when he came home from work, he always is.  You just adore him.  His snores woke you up a few times tonight :) but we are used to it now huh?

I'll talk to you tomorrow honey,

Love you with all of my heart baby girl,