Tuesday, April 8, 2014

You're awesome!

Hi Matilda-loo!

Well, the last two days have been really cool.  First we all went to Applebees for lunch.  This is the same place where we decided on your name before we even knew you were a girl.  This is our first time back there in months.  You were so amazing.  You were on your very best behavior, taking in all of your surroundings, smells, and sounds.  I was having a tough time because our Uncle Bobby is very ill and I was crying but you and your dad were making me happy and thankful.  People at Applebees kept walking by saying nice things about you. You were dressed in the cutest little ladybug outfit. (I'll post a photo below)

I was videotaping you talking and Daddy turned football off so that the camera would pick up the sound better and you started to cry.  It was so cute.  When he turned it back on you were happy again and started talking.  I took a video of it. I'll show it to you one day, you are adorable <3

You also went to your Doctor's appointment for your eye.  You weren't too sure about your nurse but you loved your Doctor.  You didn't get a shot this go around but in a few weeks that's a different story.  I feel terrible and dread it for you.

We then went to Target to just get some exercise and browse around.  You were just looking at Daddy and I with your big blue eyes, smiling and cooing.  You are so cool to hang out with.

Today Daddy, you and I went to eat at Shari's.  You got scared by some dishes dropping really loudly and you never recovered until we got you into the car.  I felt so bad for you.  You make the cutest but saddest face when you are about to cry.

You were talking so much today, you get louder and try so hard to communicate.

Isabella made you laugh on Friday night.  It was the most beautiful sound ever!!

Some of the things you really love are,
Neptune lullaby (you give me the sweetest look when I play this and sing along with it to you), your play cube ball (you love playing with this.  I will be getting you more toys like this) rattle ball (you love to chew it and throw it, I believe it has helped you with your motor skills tremendously) hand & feet rattles (you really love these.  Froggy Bottoms, Whiskers McBunz, Quackers McDuck, and Bluebear McReadEars)

Whenever you are grumpy-sleepy I sing Waltzing Matilda to you and you fall asleep.  It never fails.  You really love this song.  Maybe it's because I sang this to you in the womb before bed?  Probably, but I think it's so nice.

I love you so much dear one.  We had a great weekend with your sisters.  The next time we see them it will be Easter weekend.  Your first Easter!

I love you honey <3


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