Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Well, you just keep getting more and more awesome!

Well, you just keep getting more and more awesome!  It's true!  I have been teaching you sign language and you are really picking it up.  Daddy and I were amazed that when I ask you if you are hungry, you get quiet and smile.  When we ask you if you want milk using sign language you start using your hand to make the sign.   You are also using the sign for yes.  I'm so proud of you!!  You were even doing the signs in your sleep yesterday morning. 

Daddy is also helping to teach you sign language.  He watches me and uses it on you.  I think that's very cool because it will help you learn faster and that you can communicate using sign language with everyone.

You went over G.G.'s house yesterday and visited with her and Papa Joe Joe.  Daddy said you had a great time.  I missed you while you were gone and I was so happy when you returned home.

Daddy and I are always laughing and smiling because of you.  You are so adorable and funny.  You talk so much now and you are inventing new sounds every day.  We just laugh and are in awe at how much you want to communicate.  Waking up to these sounds is the best!! 

You are turning around on your matt now... it's like we lay you down in one position and the next moment you are sideways.  It won't be long before you are running around the house.

We went for a couple of drives over the last couple of days, you really love driving around.  You fall asleep and if we stop you wake up.  It's so cute.  We love taking you on drives, I think we will do a lot of traveling together.

You have a pooh pattern we are noticing.. when you pooh it goes straight up your back.  I'm not sure why but it's signature with you lol.  I don't know if it's the diapers or the position you are in when you pooh.  It's funny though and not surprising at all anymore when it happens. :)

Uncle Bobby died.  He was like a father to me.  I will tell you all about him, that you can count on.  I am so sad he never got to meet you and you him.  He was a great man, a great husband, a great father, a great uncle, a great grandfather, and a great friend.  I miss him terribly.

I'm about to head out to bed little one.  I can't wait to start my day with you tomorrow.  I love you so much.  God bless and keep you safe my sweet angel.

See you in the morning!! 

Love always,

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